The CCFFWA is a member organization consisting of NH Forest Fire Wardens, Deputy Wardens and others from Carroll County. You need not be a warden nor a member of the fire service or even from Carroll County, NH to be a member.
The mission of the Carroll County Forest Fire Wardens Association is to support the protection of New Hampshire’s natural forest resources from the threat of wildfire primarily in Carroll County. To encourage and provide training for Wardens, Deputy Wardens and firefighters in safe and efficient wildfire suppression techniques. Promote public education in regard to wildfire prevention and advocate for protective policies and adequate funding for and from local, state and federal agencies for the protection of New Hampshire’s natural forest resources from the threat of wildfire.
Carroll County Forest Fire Warden’s Association members meet four times a year, between March and November, on the third Wednesday of the set months. Note, it had been the fourth but is moving to the third as of 2024.