The new date will be announced as soon as it is confirmed.
Month: March 2019
Upcoming meetings and training
Meetings generally take place on the fourth Wednesday of each month, from March through November, with the November meeting taking place on the third Wednesday. The meetings move from town to town throughout Carroll County. All are welcome and you need not be a Fire Warden, Deputy Warden or Firefighter and you need not even be from Carroll County!
3/22/2019 Annual Wardens/Deputy Warden Training at Conway Fire Station 6:30 pm -10:00 pm FMI: https://www.nhdfl.org/DRED/media/Documents/Forest%20Protection/2019-Spring-Training-Announcement.pdf
3/27/2019 meeting and dinner at Rivers Edge Restaurant at Indian Mound Golf Course, Route 16B Ossipee 6:30 pm
4/24/2019 meeting and dinner at the Wildcat Inn and Tavern in Jackson 6:30 pm. RSVP to ccffwa@gmail.com is appreciated
5/15/2019 Joint meeting and dinner with Strafford County Wardens at Milton Fire Dept 6:30 pm (note the date change)
7/24/2019 (tentative) meeting and family picnic at White Lake State Park 6:00 pm
9/25/2019 meeting and dinner at North Conway Fire Department 6:30 pm
10/23/19 meeting and dinner, location TBD 6:30 pm
11/20/2019 Annual Awards meeting and dinner at Tuftonboro Fire Department, central station 6:30 pm